About the Pamphlet of Poetry

"Treading Through the Thoroughfare" is an inspiriting pamphlet of poetry, which enlivens one's inner healing. Furthermore, it is a pamphlet of poetry that explores self-empowerment through compositions filled with warmth inspiring spiritual breakthroughs for the healing of the heart.

"Treading Through the Thoroughfare" eternally embraces a reflective journey catalyzing inner healing through a thoughtful blooming of the spirit and the soul.

Available via Amazon.

About the Pamphlet of Poetry

"Gratitude in the Depths of Grappling with Grief" is a life-affirming pamphlet of poetry, which encapsulates the process of inner healing through developing gratitude amidst grief within the throes of everyday life. Moreover, it is a pamphlet of poetry that emboldens one's faith in God through compositions filled with devotions and bible verses meant for healing grief through gratitude.

"Gratitude in the Depths of Grappling with Grief" relentlessly provides encouragement to mend the spirit and the soul.

Available via Amazon.

About the Author

Sabrina Tinsay is a Philippine-born Christian author, mother of three, theological seminary doctoral student, early childhood teacher, and children’s rights advocate. Earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Development Studies from UCLA with accreditation in Human Rights Studies from Columbia University, as well as certificates in Everyday Parenting and Moralities of Everyday Life from Yale University alongside further graduate studies from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.


“Sabrina Tinsay is wholeheartedly committed to human rights work supporting the dignity of all remaining steadfast in her genuine virtuous concern for causes with a strong work ethic, and this is quite possibly Ms. Tinsay’s greatest strength. I would wager that it is this commitment that most allows me to attest my sense of Ms. Tinsay’s good moral character.” — Professor Winston Thompson, PhD, New York University (NYU)

“Sabrina Tinsay was one of the best students I have had so far in my career. I consider her to be intelligent, hard-working, open-minded, well-organized, thoughtful, and with a calm demeanor that fosters civil discussions.” — Professor Jonathan Liljeblad, PhD, JD, Australian National University

“Sabrina Tinsay was one of the most brilliant students in my seminar. She contributed to the discussion and submitted an excellent paper. Besides her proclivity for hard work and her good background knowledge, Sabrina is passionate about human rights and incredibly well-versed in the area.” — Professor Dimitris Vardoulakis, PhD, Western Sydney University


UCLA International Development Studies Activist Award

Forensic Speech California State Champion in Poetry Interpretation